
The Italian Journal of Agrometeorology (IJAm – home page) aims to publish original scientific contributions, rather in English, but also in Italian, on agrometerology, as a science that studies the interactions of hydrological and meteorological factors with the agricultural and forest ecosystems, and with agriculture in its broadest sense (including livestock and fisheries).

Since 2013 the journal obtained the recognition in ISI – Web of Science and consequently the Impact Factor.
The Impact Factor will be given to the journal, calculating it on citations occurred over 2013.

The new Impact Factor of Italian Journal of Agrometeorology is 1.182

Among the areas of specific interest of the journal there are:

  • ecophysiology;
  • phenology;
  • plant growth, quality and quantity of production;
  • plant pathology;
  • entomology;
  • welfare conditions of livestocks;
  • soil physics and hydrology;
  • micrometeorology;
  • modeling, simulation and forecasting;
  • remote sensing;
  • territorial planning;
  • geographical information systems and interpolation techniques;
  • instrumentation to measure physical and biological quantities;
  • data validation techniques, agroclimatology;
  • agriculture scientific dissemination;
  • support services for farmers.

Each paper is subjected to critical evaluation and review by Field Editors with specific expertise in the different areas of interest and by the members of the international Editorial Board.

Italian Journal of Agrometeorology

– is Scopus indexed


– obtained the recognition in ISI-WOS


Search an article on the Editor website.

The magazine is sent free to all AIAM members.

The Italian Journal of Agrometeorology is a quarterly periodical of the Italian Association of Agrometeorology (AIAM) – ISSN 2038-5625. Florence Court Reg No 52-21 of 4/12/2002

For more information:

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