In memory of Domenico

by | Nov 7, 2020 | News

Last November 3, our friend and colleague Domenico Vento suddenly left us.

The  CREA colleagues remember him with esteem and gratitude.

After his degree in physics, from 1988 to 2008 he was director of the Central Office of Agricultural Ecology, then CREA – Research unit for climatology and meteorology applied to agriculture, which joined the Agriculture and Environment Center in 2017.
In 1970 he began working as an agricultural ecologist at the then UCEA. In the ’70s and ’80s, he was very involved in studies and research for anti-hail defense.
He coordinated two research projects of significant scientific interest: Climagri and Agroscenari.
His deep scientific skills and deep-rooted moral skills have characterized his managerial career, which saw him, beyond retirement, involved in coordinating the Agroscenari project until its conclusion.

On the human level, he has always stood out for his humility, generosity and confidentiality, qualities that have also distinguished him with his collaborators and colleagues, who remember him for being a passionate and authoritative guide, always available to listen and compare.

Just as he lived, he passed away gently!

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