First announcement AIAM Conference 2022 – Save the date

by | Feb 6, 2022 | News

XXIV National Agro-meteorology Conference

 Save the date

Cagliari 15th – 17th June 2022 

Every year the Italian Association of Agro-meteorology organizes a conference in which the most topical agro-meteorological research issues and applications are discussed.
Over the years, this event has become a highly anticipated meeting for the Italian agro-meteorological community.

The XXIV edition of the AIAM conference will be held in Cagliari on the following days

15th – 16th – 17th June 2022 

Agenzia LAORE Sardegna, presso Sala Anfiteatro e Dina Dore – Via Roma 253


“Agrometeorology in support of crop and livestock systems

1st SESSION: Agrometeorological modelling for crop production
2nd SESSION: Agro-meteorological aids for animal husbandry
3rd SESSION: Strategies and systems for the provision of agro-meteorological services

– By 01/04/2022 : Pre-registration and submission of titles and summaries in Italian or English (10 lines) of communications: Form on line
– By 29/04/2022 : Extended abstracts containing title, authors and their addresses, objectives, and main results obtained (using the following template, link)
– By 16/05/2022 : Announcement of the final scientific conference programme. Announcement of award for best degree/doctoral thesis. Award for participation in the best paper.
– By 27/05/2022 : Final registration

Authors are invited to propose an article or technical note to be published in the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology (IF 1.182).

registration for the online Conference and to the AIAM Association for 2022, including the Conference Proceedings and the annual subscription to the Journal of Agro-meteorology.
€ 80,00 registration for the Conference for AIAM members already in good standing for 2022
€ 50,00 registration for university students (does not include annual subscription to the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology).

Segreteria AIAM
: 011.432 5037 / 3706

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