L’Aquila 2024

L’Aquila 2024

XXVI Conference AIAM 2024 ” Innovative approaches to support agricultural production in an evolving climate context ” L’Aquila, 05 – 07 June 2024 Download Acta by QR           Video of the conference 1st SESSION: Prediction and...
Matera 2023

Matera 2023

XXV Conference AIAM 2023 ” Agrometeorology for the management of resources and environmental constraints in agriculture ” Matera, 14 – 16 June 2023 Download Acta 1st SESSION: Managing abiotic stresses 2nd SESSION: Agro-meteorological tools at the...
Cagliari 2022

Cagliari 2022

XXIV Conference AIAM 2022 ” Agrometeorology in support of crop and livestock systems ” Cagliari, 15th – 17th June 2022 Download ACTA 1st SESSION: Agrometeorological modelling for crop production. 2nd SESSION: Agro-meteorological aids for animal...
XXIII AIAM Conference 2021

XXIII AIAM Conference 2021

XXIII National Agro-meteorology Conference XXIII National Agro-meteorology Conference   Save the date On-line from 30th June to 2nd July 2021  Every year the Italian Association of Agro-meteorology organizes a conference in which the most topical agro-meteorological...
Napoli 2019

Napoli 2019

XXII AIAM Conference 2019 ” Ricerca ed innovazione per la gestione del rischio meteo climatico in agricoltura ” Napoli, 11 – 13 giugno 2019 Download Atti del Convegno     I SESSIONE: Il cambiamento climatico e i rischi per l’agricoltura. II...
Roma 2018

Roma 2018

XXI AIAM Conference 2018 ” Agrometeorologia per le Politiche di Sviluppo Rurale ” Roma, 19 – 21 giugno 2018 Download Atti del Convegno   I SESSIONE: Agrometeorologia e modelli di stima, simulazione e previsione per la difesa da avversita’...