IALS project: mountain agriculture

by | Jun 1, 2021 | News, Notizie AIAM

The University Institutes of Milan, Tuscia and Naples, under the patronage of the Province of VCO, Aree Protette Ossola, GAL Laghi e Monti del VCO, ARS.UNI.VCO and the Order of Agronomists and Foresters – Piedmont and Aosta Valley Federation, are organising a series of meetings as part of the dissemination activities of the I.A.L.S. Project. – Integrated Alpine Livestock Systems: from ecosystem services to premium mountain products, a unique pathway for the enhancement of mountain agriculture, supported by AGER – AGroalimentare E Ricerca.

The project aims to study high-mountain alpine livestock systems that, in addition to milk and cheese production, are able to provide a series of useful ecosystem services for the entire community.
The meetings are intended to provide an important overview of the research activities carried out since the project was launched.

Project coordinator: Prof.ssa Anna Gaviglio – University of Milan – anna.gaviglio@unimi.it
For information on the webinar:
segreteria@univco.it (+39) 388 984 3952

For further information, please visit the project website and the voucher.


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