Advanced AgroMetSchool

by | Jan 28, 2021 | News

The International Advanced School of AgroMeteorology, dedicated to
“AgroMeteorology for climate smart agriculture”
has come to an end: thank you all!

At the following link the video of the closing of the school, with the participation of 44 students from 21 countries.




With the coordination of AIAM and the scientific committee composed by:

– Filiberto Altobelli (CREA-PB),
– Anna Dalla Marta (University of Florence-DAGRI),
– Federica Rossi (CNR-IBE and WMO-RTC),
– Marina Baldi (CNR-IBE and WMO-RTC),
– Federica Matteolii (FAO)

The course, from 8 to 19 March, addressed these topics:

✅ Climate Smart Agriculture concept and the 5 steps for CSA implementation;
✅ Eddy Covariance and measurement techniques in agro-systems;
✅ Climate information services and weather alert systems;
✅ European Space Agency (ESA) facilities and tools: Copernicus, database, instruments / tools;
✅ Extreme events, risk reduction;
✅ Indicator-based insurance systems;
✅ Climate change, agriculture and food security.

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