

This is the Internal Regulations approved by the Assembly of the AIAM Members (article 11 of the Statute).

Article 1 – Election of governing bodies

President, Vice-President, Governing Council and Auditors are elected among the candidates in three separate lists (list for the President, list for the Council and list for the Auditors). Each candidate has the right to appear in only one of the three lists.

Candidates in the list for the President that are not elected, automatically pass to the list for the Council. The votes obtained in the President election are valid for this election.

In particular, the following officers will be elected:

* President: the candidate in list for the President who obtained the highest number of votes;
* Vice President: the first of the elected in the list for the Council;
* Directors: from the 2nd (second) to the 7th (seventh) of the elected in the list for the Council;
* Auditors: from the 1st (first) to the 3rd (third) of the elected in the list for the Auditors.

The Governing Council shall elect a Treasurer and a Secretary.

Article 2 – Convening and Assembly of Members

The Assembly is convened by the President, also in a different place from the AIAM head office, once a year in the ordinary way, by written notice to each member. The notice shall contain the assembly agenda and sent at least 30 days before the date set for the meeting.

The notice summon meeting on first and second call, the second call may take place at least on hour after the first one.

An extraordinary Assembly can be convened with the request signed by at least a fifth of the members, or by resolution of the Board of Directors.

All members with regular payment of membership fee are entitled to attend the meeting. The members may delegate, by a written document, another member to represent him/her in the Assembly, even if the represented is a member of the Council. This is not possible for the budget deliberations approval and for decisions about responsibility of councillors. A member may not be the bearer of more than 3 proxies.

The Members Meeting shall be valid if half plus one of the members of the Association is present. Decisions are taken with the favorable vote of half plus one of presents.

In the second call, the Assembly is valid whatever the number of participants is and it decides with the favorable vote of half plus one of presents.

Article 3 – Convening and conduct of the Board of Directors

The Executive Council shall meet at least once every six months and whenever the President deems it necessary or is requested by at least one third of the members.

The Council is chaired by the President and in his/her absence by the Vice President, in the absence of both, by the most senior in age among the present members.

For the validity of the meetings the majority of the Board must be present. For the validity of the resolutions a simple positive vote of the majority the present is required. In case of tie, the vote must be repeated not earlier than one hour from voting. If a tie vote will occur again, it will be decisive the vote of the President or in his/her absence, of the Vice President or of the delegate to chair the meeting.

The President may declare withdrawn the adviser who is absent for three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors and appoint in his/her place the first non-elected members.

Members called by the Council may attend the meetings, which may express their views, although non-binding.

The report of the Council meetings will be recorded in a special book, which will be signed by the President and by the recording secretary.