AIAM – International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology 2024 – Registration is open

da | Apr 16, 2024 | News, Notizie AIAM

The Italian Association of Agrometeorology, AIAM, in collaboration with CNR-IBE, designated as WMO Regional Training Center in Italy, WMO-RTC, the Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment – University of Padua – Italy, DAFNAE is proud to announce the Fourth Edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology “Agricultural Meteorology for managing the risk of extreme events”. The school is organized with the support of COST-CA20108, and the technical cooperation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO.

Deadline for Applications
Deadline for applications is 15 May, 2024.
Only online applications will be accepted, to be submitted at the following link.

Further information
School Secretariat:
WMO-RTC contact point
Description of the school:

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